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Monday 31 January 2011

Daftar yang harus dibawa saat Masuk Hogwarts (The list must be taken at the Hogwarts Entrance)

Daftar yang harus dibawa saat masuk Hogwart (The list must be taken at the Hogwarts Entrance)

Di Hogwarts Siswa baru akan mendapatkan :
Seragam :
-Tiga setel jubah kerja sederhana (hitam)
-Satu topi kerucut (hitam) untuk dipakai setiap hari
-Sepasang sarung tangan pelindung (dari kulit naga atau sejenisnya)
-Satu mantel musim dingin (hitam, kancing perak)
-Setiap pakaian siswa harus ada label namanya.
Buku :
Kitab Mantra Standar (Tingkat 1) oleh Miranda Goshawk.
-Sejarah Sihir oleh Bathilda Bagshot.
-Teori Ilmu Gaib oleh Adalbert Waffling.
-Pengantar Transfigurasi bagi pemula oleh Emeric Switch.
-Seribu satu tanaman obat dan jamur gaib oleh Phyllida Spore.
-Cairan dan ramuan ajaib oleh Arsenius Jigger.
-Hewan-hewan fantastis dan dimana mereka ditemukan oleh Newt Scamander.
-kekuatan Gelap:Penuntun Perlindungan diri oleh Quentin Trimble.
Peralatan Lain :
-1 tongkat sihir
-1 kuali (bahan timah putih-timah hitam ukuran standar 2)
-1 set tabung kaca atau kristal
-1 teleskop
-1 set timbangan kuningan
Catatan :
*Siswa diizinkan membawa burung hantu, kucing atau kodok.
*Siswa kelas satu belum boleh memiliki sapu sendiri.
Mata Pelajaran di Tahun Pertama :
Pelajaran tentang planet dan tata surya
Pelajaran tentang penggunaan mantra dalam kehidupan sehari-hari.
Pertahanan Terhadap Ilmu Hitam
Pelajaran tentang makhluk-makhluk hitam, dan cara bertahan dari serangan ilmu hitam.
Pelajaran tentang tumbuh-tumbuhan sihir dan cara merawatnya.
Sejarah sihir
Pelajaran tentang sejarah dunia sihir.
Pelajaran tentang meracik ramuan ajaib.
Pelajaran tentang mengubah bentuk suatu benda. Baik benda hidup atau benda mati

In English :
New students at Hogwarts will get: Uniforms: -Three simple set of robes (black) -A conical hat (black) to wear every day -A pair of protective gloves (dragon leather or the like) -A winter coat (black, silver buttons) -Each student must have clothing label name.
Books: Mantra Book of Standards (Level 1) by Miranda Goshawk. -History of Magic by Bathilda Bagshot. -Magical Theory by Adalbert Waffling Science. -Introduction to Transfiguration by Emeric Switch for beginners. Thousand and one plant-fungal drugs and supernatural by Phyllida Spore. -Fluid and magic potion by Arsenius jigger. -Fantastic animals and where they were found by Newt Scamander. Dark forces: self-guide Protection by Quentin Trimble.
Other Equipment: -1 Wand -1 Casserole (ingredients tin-lead standard size 2) -1 Set of tubing glass or crystal -1 Telescope -1 Set of brass scales
Note: * Students are permitted to bring an owl, cat or frog. * Students are not allowed to have one class of his own broom.
Subjects in the First Year:
Astronomy The study of planets and solar system
Mantra Lessons about the use of mantras in daily life.
Defense Against the Dark Arts The study of black creatures, and how to survive the attack of black magic.
Herbology The study of magic herbs and how to care for her.
History of magic The lesson of the history of the wizarding world.
Concoction Lessons about concocting a magic potion.
Tranfigurasi Lessons about changing the shape of an object. Whether live or inanimate objects

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